Writing and Coaching. My own experience.
Express, create, and let the artist in you emerge, mature, and make you stand out most beautifully, mutually beneficial for you, for others, and society.
The meaning of Philosophical Leadership
As leaders, we have a tremendous opportunity to create positive change in the world. By prioritizing philosophy, recognizing our power, and using it to benefit ourselves and others, we can build a brighter future for all. Let's embrace this responsibility and work together to make a meaningful impact.
The Coach as a Leader
I’ve faced many challenges in life. Most of those challenges I’ve been able to overcome, turning adversity into opportunity. I have a strong belief that our existence is up to God, but the way we choose to live is up to us. Socrates fascinated me, and his teachings became the center of my coaching practice.
How did you become interested in philosophy?
I’ve faced many challenges in life. Most of those challenges I’ve been able to overcome, turning adversity into opportunity. I have a strong belief that our existence is up to God, but the way we choose to live is up to us. Socrates fascinated me, and his teachings became the center of my coaching practice.
Η μετά COVID κανονικότητα είναι αστεία έκφραση
Ποια κανονικότητα μας περιμένει άραγε μετά τον κορωνοϊό; Πόσο αλλαγμένοι, διαφορετικοί, ξεκάθαροι, ευγνώμονες ή πονεμένοι θα βγούμε από μία πανδημία που σάρωσε την υφήλιο, αλλάζοντας κοινωνικές συμπεριφορές και πρότυπα ετών, εργασιακά δεδομένα και κεκτημένα, σαρώνοντας οικονομίες, υγειονομικά συστήματα και σκορπώντας εκατομμύρια θανάτους; Θα βγούμε περισσότερο σοφοί, ώριμοι και ψύχραιμοι απέναντι στην ζωή ή θα μας
Philosophy in Entrepreneurship
The principles of the Philosophy of the ancient Greeks can be used by individuals and entrepreneurs to improve their daily lives. In business, the entrepreneurial spirit and the business operation can be improved significantly
Philosophy & Coaching in Practice
I grew up having above all the value of family and at the same time the value of independence through a career that pays off financially, socially and personally. These values were instilled in me by my mother who gave up a safe and socially recognizable career and devoted herself to her family.
Was Socrates the first coach?
The ancient Greek philosophers, motivated by their love of knowledge (the actual word “philosopher” derives from the Greek words “filos” and “Sophia” which mean “friend” and “wisdom” respectively) have been preoccupied with the investigation of the reasons for human existence and the way men should live, so as to be consistent with their reason for