The power of words
Words are a communication tool and, at the same time, represent our experiences. If we change the words, we can change our experiences. Our inner wealth is indeed expressed only by a rich vocabulary.
Quality does not always keep up with success
Do you want to be the next one who will leave this life and be recognized after death? Do you know how many thousands of remarkable people existed, in all lengths and widths of the earth, who had a great message or work to share and who did not find the recognition they deserved when they
The Coach as a Leader
I’ve faced many challenges in life. Most of those challenges I’ve been able to overcome, turning adversity into opportunity. I have a strong belief that our existence is up to God, but the way we choose to live is up to us. Socrates fascinated me, and his teachings became the center of my coaching practice.
The Coach Leader©-Purpose
The Coach Leader© serves as “a moral compass” for a higher purpose, individual happiness, and social positive change.
Το μυστικό
Μάθε πως να κάνεις το χρόνο φίλο. Μάθε πως να διατηρείς τη μνήμη της ψυχής σου. Μάθε για τη δημιουργία, μάθε γατί το συναίσθημα είναι η μόνη ανεξίτηλη μνήμη και γιατί χρειάζεται να φροντίζεις την ψυχή σου δημιουργώντας αναμνήσεις.
Crisis management learnings
3 episodes with the scenario of dealing with the crisis and the post-crisis recovery. Screenwriter but also on stage of the drama FIRE 4-8 August 2021, myself
Σπάσε το κλουβί σου!
Τι σημαίνει για σένα καλός/ή. Τι σημαίνει για σένα επιτυχημένος/η επαγγελματίας, σύζυγος, μητέρα, πατέρας, φίλη/ος;
Philosophy & Coaching in Practice
I grew up having above all the value of family and at the same time the value of independence through a career that pays off financially, socially and personally. These values were instilled in me by my mother who gave up a safe and socially recognizable career and devoted herself to her family.