Self -care is the door of your success
Δεν είναι εγωιστικό. Είναι το φάρμακο είναι η αποκλειστική θεραπεία από εσένα για σένα. Είναι η πόρτα για την επιτυχία σου, ο τρόπος που και οι άλλοι θα σου ανοίξουν τη δική τους πόρτα.
Το coaching γέφυρα των απανταχού Ελλήνων
Για τους Έλληνες που βρίσκονται σε άλλες χώρες και επιθυμούν να πετύχουν τα όνειρά τους με τη βοήθεια μιας ομάδας Ελλήνων Coaches με κοινά χαρακτηριστικά ανεξαρτήτως συνόρων και το coaching ως τη γέφυρα.
The Coach as a Leader
I’ve faced many challenges in life. Most of those challenges I’ve been able to overcome, turning adversity into opportunity. I have a strong belief that our existence is up to God, but the way we choose to live is up to us. Socrates fascinated me, and his teachings became the center of my coaching practice.
The Coach Leader©-Purpose
The Coach Leader© serves as “a moral compass” for a higher purpose, individual happiness, and social positive change.
The benefits of Coaching today
The coach supports you to be mobilized, to clarify your goals, and reach them. They help you to identify and overcome the internal, and external obstacles. They support patiently and carefully in order to get the best for you
Solution Focused Group Coaching
A practical workshop where the coach facilitates the awareness of the challenges faced by the team in today's hybrid environment.
How did you become interested in philosophy?
I’ve faced many challenges in life. Most of those challenges I’ve been able to overcome, turning adversity into opportunity. I have a strong belief that our existence is up to God, but the way we choose to live is up to us. Socrates fascinated me, and his teachings became the center of my coaching practice.